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slapjack.tcl 1.0.0

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About This File

Slap Jack IRC Game Script


##                                                                                              ##
##  Author: Justdabomb2                         <email: edngravy@sbcglobal.net>                 ##
##  Script: Slap Jack Script                                                                    ##
##  Version: v1.0                                                                               ##
##  Date: 11/13/2006                                                                            ##
##  Tested with: Eggdrop v1.6.18                                                                ##
##                                                                                              ##
##  Commands:     !slapjack - Start a new game of slapjack.                                     ##
##                !joinsj - Join the current game of slapjack.                                  ##
##                !checkcards - Check the card count.                                           ##
##                !slap - Slap the current card.                                                ##
##                                                                                              ##
##                                                                                              ##
##  Installation:                                                                               ##
##                1. Save in your script directory as "slapjack.tcl".                           ##
##                2. add line "source scripts/slapjack.tcl to the bottom of your eggdrop        ##
##                   configuration file.                                                        ##
##                3. Rehash or restart your bot, and type "!slapjack"     in the channel.       ##
##                                                                                              ##
##                                                                                              ##
##  You do NOT need to change anything in this script (besides what it tells you to change in   ##
##             the installation), it should work the way it is right now.                       ##
##                                                                                              ##
##     Newer versions on this script will be if I decide something should be added or a bug     ##
##                                     needs to be fixed.                                       ##
##                                                                                              ##
##           If you notice any problems with the script, please e-mail them to me at            ##
##                                   edngravy@sbcglobal.net                                     ##
##  (although, I haven't played around with TCL scripting since 2006, so I don't remember too   ##
##     much about it, very sorry.  I just though I should upload this since it was the last     ##
##                                    script I ever made.)                                      ##
##                                                                                              ##
##                                                                   ~Thank you!                ##
##                                                                                              ##


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